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100% Organic Black Spruce (Picea mariana) Essential Oil, 10 mL

We recommend organic black spruce essential oil for bronchitis, rhinitis, and if in need of a pulmonary decongestant. It is also useful to help calm hyperactive thyroids. Our organic black spruce essential oil acts in similarly to cortisone. It affects the adrenal glands, causing its classification as both a general and neuro- tonic.


Please consult your doctor before taking any treatment or therapy orally. Oral administration: Take 2 drops of organic black spruce essential oil twice a day: mix with a little honey or a put on a lozenge under the tongue to help with respiratory infections. On the skin: Mix 15 drops of black spruce essential oil with 10ml of organic sesame oil. Use this blend to vigorously massage the torso and the upper section of the back in the case of bronchitis. By diffusion: Black spruce essential oil, when diffused in one’s living spaces, will act as an effective antiseptic and anti-infective agent during times of the year when one is prone to respiratory infection.


Picea mariana * * Issu de l'agriculture Biologique.

Origin: Canada

Capacity: 10 mL