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100% Organic Caraway (Carum carvi) Essential Oil, 10mL

Organic caraway essential oil, 10 mL

This oil has many similarities with cumin oil, and therefore is highly appropriate when dealing with digestive problems. Indeed, it inhibits intestinal gas production, flatulence, and spasms, whilst promoting bile secretion, appetite, and good digestion. We also advise its use in case of bronchitis or a cold.


Please consult a doctor before taking any treatment or therapy orally. Oral administration: Take 1 drop of caraway essential oil twice a day, with a little honey or a lozenge under the tongue. Take at meal times to counter digestive problems. On the skin: Mix 20 drops of organic caraway essential oil with 20ml of organic sesame oil, and use this blend to massage the stomach in the case of bloating or flatulence. By diffusion: It is recommended to diffuse this oil into to atmosphere if suffering from otorhinolaryngological afflictions.


Carum carvi * * Issu de l'agriculture Biologique.

Origin: Hungary

Capacity: 10 mL