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100% Organic Eucalyptus Globulus (Eucalyptus globulus) Essential Oil

Organic Eucalyptus globulus

Due to its biochemical composition, the organic eucalyptus globulus essential oil is a 'Anti-cold Oil': oxides, 1,8-cineol and monoterpenic ketones (pinocarvone) with highly mucolytic properties (decongests bronchial passageways). Eucalyptus globulus has the following properties:
Positivist, reinvigorating

The therapeutic indications of organic Eucalyptus globulus essential oil are well known around the world. It is a must-have for all common winter ailments, such as winter colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, angina, ear infections, sore-throats, laryngitis, flu and fever.


Please consult a doctor before taking any treatment or therapy orally.
Oral administration: 2 drops of eucalyptus globulus essential oil, three times a day, with a little honey and syrup, or on a lozenge for respiratory infections.
On the skin: Mix 3 drops of organic eucalyptus globulus essential oil + 5 drops of organic hazelnut oil, and massage onto the chest and sinus area for bronchitis or sinusitis.
By diffusion: When diffused in the atmosphere, organic eucalyptus essential oil will clean and purify the room.


Eucalyptus globulus * * Issu de l'agriculture Biologique.

Origin: Spain

Capacity: 10, 30 mL