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100% Organic Turpentine (Pinus pinaster) Essential Oil, 10 mL

100% ORGANIC TURPENTINE essential oil, 10 mL

Organic turpentine essential oil is generally prescribed to fight coughs, respiratory tract congestion, and respiratory infections, such as sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, or excessive catarrh production. We also advise use of this essential oil to help stop joint and muscle pains, such as rheumatisms, gout, and sciatica. Due to this, it is commonly used in the sporting world.


Please consult a doctor before taking any treatment or therapy orally. Oral administration: Take 2 drops of organic turpentine essential oil 2 times a day, with some honey or syrup, or on a lozenge, to help treat bronchitis and respiratory complaints. On the skin: Mix 2 drops of organic turpentine essential oil with 6 drops of sesame oil, and apply locally to areas suffering from rheumatisms. By diffusion: When diffused, our organic turpentine essential oil will sanitise your living space: it acts like a real respiratory tract antiseptic.


Pinus Pinaster * * Issu de l'agriculture Biologique.

Origin: Portugal

Capacity: 10 mL