Lately more and more women have been using Argan Oil, when it comes to personal beauty we all try to use natural products as much as possible. Argan Oil is one of the most popular used alternatives towards caring for your hair, skin, and face. It contains essential fatty acids such as Omega 6, Omega 9, Vitamin E, and Vitamin F, which contribute towards maintaining and rejuvenating the skin’s texture, youthful aspect, and radiance.
Where does Argan Oil come from?
Argan Oil is extracted from the seeds found in a fruit that grows in the Argan Tree in Morocco. The process itself of extracting the oil is very difficult and the quantity obtained is very little, hence the high prices and the small bottles it is sold in, however due to its rich ingredients, a little goes a long way. There are instances where Argan Oil is mixed with other ingredients and sold. If you want to ensure that you are purchasing pure Argan Oil, make sure that it meets the above listed criteria (sold in small bottles and medium-high prices). Argan Oil is usually sold in salons.
There are many beauty benefits that Argan Oil offers:
Aside from the beauty benefits that Argan Oil provides there are also medical benefits:
Here are some Argan Oil products recommended for hair:
Skincare products that contain Argan Oil
Argan Oil is a beauty elixir and as mentioned above the benefits are many. If used regularly it can improve the hair’s condition and even mend split ends. It is a very rich and heavy liquid therefore it is recommended to be used in small doses, however even a small drop can do miracles for your skin and hair.
Try it out too 🙂
This content was originally published here.